Monday, March 15, 2010

what i think

things going on my mind :

this friend that i used to treasure a lot, is giving a lot of troubles saying that I don't spend enough time with her and she feels left out and all, and clearly stated that she wants a break from my friend and I, and then she says she wanna go out with us etc. I was so confused that finally, on her birthday 20th march, i wrote to her in a card everything i felt.. and that was it... the end of what could've been a good friendship...

and this year, something similar happened again with another friend who claimed she's always the last friend that comes into consideration when it comes to grouping, in the end, she has to be the one left out and is afraid she wouldn't get into any good groups, some class politics happened and this time, it sorta involves the whole class, so in the end, we've sorta became enemies with part of the class..

they were like such show offs saying that people could learn more in their group and not ours etc. Heck, I have better grades than they do! this time, I'm gonna soar, i don't care if it takes my sleep...
I'd say, go fuck off, i don't need them to live, but seeing them everyday for the rest of my 1 and a half years, it sucks~!!

i dunno what i've written, but basically it's what i have to say.. :D

until then, this is jOyCe signing out at 10.17pm(LIM EU RIANG!), 15th March 2010

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:35:00 PM  

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