Monday, November 30, 2009

one of those days

things going on my mind :
a flash of lightning just struck!
i hate my home

one of those days which i feel absolutely useless and hopeless etc.

i honestly don't find a reason why i need to help some1 who's dying as a consequence of his doings

i feel bad, but i also feel that I'm right

did my presentation, both persuasive and demo, i hated myself, but i guess it was alright...

tomoro's my presentation AGAIN, SOLO, about Multimedia Design

i'm not anti-social, we've not talked for so long that I don't even know what to talk about anymore!

starting to wonder if i'm becoming anti-social, I do socialize but maybe I just don't familize?

i need a plan for my birthday, i feel dull!

can someone get me outta here!

until then, this is jOyCe signing out at 8.17pm , 30th November 2009



Blogger Marksmensrea said...

U dont need a reason to help people. Appreciate what you have and where you are now.As a great wise person once said " Do onto others as you would do onto yourself". Think twice, act wise.

Sunday, December 06, 2009 10:01:00 PM  

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