Friday, July 31, 2009

on the verge of giving up

things going on my mind :
on the verge of giving up~
can we start all over again?

haiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ i'm speechless... i wish that i dun have to see any of my group members for the video assignment anymore... i so feel like giving up... but i dun wanna retake this subject... i feel like screaming 'shut up' to everyone and take some time off, but time is the thing that i don't have... video shooting starts next week and the song is being changed... it's not even done yet! and the schedule... have yet to be confirmed.. and my life is so going down the drain... i feel very worried but at the same time i'm giving up, i'm so confused rite now.. don't just say it, do it and make sure it is as good as u say it is! u keep saying u'll find the singer, but Kah Mun was the one who found us not only 1 singer, but that 1 singer introduced another singer, i dunno if kah mun is the outsider or u are! i hate listening to ur voice... trying to show that u're good... i hate ur cold jokes, i hate ur so called 'sore-throat', i hate u more than the fact that i hate u being in our group... as if u're very needed in the group, don't forget that u were assigned to our group and not because we chose u, not because u were good, but because you had NO group and that we had NO CHOICE! i'd rather have chin chye than u in the 1st place! i wanna just stay away from u as far as possible, even the director dun wanna c u! i went out for 30 minutes to fetch the talents and u are playing with a damn electric guitar, that there were no progress to the song? u even spilt my drink in the lab 2 TIMES! ONE AFTER ANOTHER! what sort of person are u? to another person, WHERE ARE YOU ALL THE TIME? AT HOME WATCHING PORN THE WHOLE DAY THAT U'RE NOT EVEN FREE TO COME AND HELP OUT?! YOU ARE ANOTHER VERSION OF THE 1ST PERSON, BUT BETTER, BUT U STILL DISAPPOINT ME! all the time! i figure assignment is much more important than any other thing u're doing now that u're a student and the responsibility of a student is to do ur best in assignments and get high marks, if that isn't u, then u might came to the wrong group, because THAT'S OUR MISSION! i have a dean's list to worry about and all u can do is say and no do?! i'm seriously done with them once this sem is over! I NEED A BREAK! i miss my pigs! future sem's short film production will have better group members that are of more worth than u worthless humans! it's such a disgrace that have to have you as my group member, u burden me! i have to think on ur part, i have to assign u things, i have to do almost everything a producer has to do but u take all the marks in d end? to hell with that, i wish i dun have to worry so much but i have to, my goal is on the line! i'm so over u all after this assignment!

until then, this is jOyCe signing out at 9.07 , 31st July 2009

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